quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2014

Day 10: Grañón - Villafranca Montes de Oca

Today was a very hard day. The most hard yet, I would say. We faced winds of nearly 90km/h coming straight ahead at us, making feel like we were being pulled back all the time. We walked about 27km, but it sure felt like 35km. Plus there were some personal mishaps that kind of pulled us back psychologically as well.. It was a very hard day indeed.

So excuse me if I felt that all my strengths should be put into use to surpass this day, that I think it was really a metaphor for all that goes wrong in our lives, and didn't take as many photos as I would have wanted to.

By the way, remember the man-made caves we talked about yesterday, as we were leaving Nájera? We found some more on the way today, as well as some buildings built as part of those rocky walls.

As pilgrims, nothing feels so good after a hard day as a hot shower and a warm place to dry your clothes on!

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